As our office to reopen during the COVID-19 pandemic, we are taking every precaution to protect our patients and staff.
To decrease patient-to-patient interaction, we will be offering limited office visits each day. The reduced number of patients will allow our office to follow all social distancing protocols.
Our office still encourages patients to choose virtual appointments whenever possible. Only book an in-person visit if necessary.
To schedule an office visit, you must call our office at 415-474-2162. Our staff will screen for any COVID-19 symptoms before scheduling your appointment.
All staff members are required to wear a face mask.
All patients coming to the office are required to wear a face mask.
Please limit the number of friends and family members accompanying you. Only travel with those necessary.
If a patient arrives and is showing flu-like symptoms, they will be isolated in a separate area.
Our office will provide hand sanitizer, antimicrobial wipes, and use UV sanitizing lamps to create a safe environment. The chairs and couches in our waiting room have been fitted with plastic covers and will be sanitized regularly. We have created designated seating to ensure 6 feet between patients.
During this time, our office is striving to make our patients feel as comfortable and safe as possible.